Monday, September 15, 2008

Friday March 23

Today was the official day off. It seemed a little weird since I didn’t teach for 3.5 days due to the bomb and the holidays. But we got up, had some breakfast and I counted sand for an hours or so. Then Dan came and we went to the Bazar. John wanted to get a rug. They were surprised that I didn’t. Maybe if we had hard wood floors. Still a half way descent one would run $1,000 to $1,500. The only thing I wanted to buy was a Persian dress for Abigail. I’m not sure if she’ll like it, but I want to get better at non-compulsory gift giving with my family (especially if we keep asking to opt out of Christmas). It wasn’t cheap, but one of the only things I know from first hand experience with Abigail is that she likes princess outfits. I didn’t know what size to get her. It may be a little big. But with at least 3 Gibson girls passing through the size in the next few years, I thought it might be fun

I also found an Afghan outfit (dress over pants) that I thought was really pretty (you can actually see it just behind Dan’s bald head in the lapis picture – the grey one). In the end I decided Amanda probably wouldn’t wear it, and I didn’t buy it. Also I found a kid with a small display, not well positioned, with the best minerals around. He knew what he had and they weren’t cheap. But I learned a few things talking to him and purchased a small piece of blue tourmaline.

After the Bazar we went to Dan’s compound where the AID guys were cooking a serious meal. While the steaks marinated we watched Borat about a Kazak reporter (an American actor pretending) who ends up having real life interviews and interactions with Americans and makes them look stupid. It was funny in parts (particularly b/c we were in a ‘stan) but was just too crass and mean and I was glad when it was time to cook. Dan is a vegetarian but he cooked up 16 steaks for us. They were really good and another guy (Don – who I find the easiest to talk to of the AID guys) made twice baked potatoes and Peach Cobbler. Everything was made with less than optimal ingredients and every time a short cut was taken we would say ‘it is a war zone.’

I don’t really feel like I fit in there. The humor is crass, and I end up laughing at it. I have to be careful not to run into porn laying around. One topic today was friends on their 4th marriages. There wasn’t a kind word said about wives or marriage and plenty on the other side of the ledger. I actually went inside for a while and read and napped on the couch.

Tomorrow I finally start teaching again. I am looking forward to it but am embarrassed to face the students having been forbidden to travel their everyday streets with body armor and an armored vehicle. The lectures are pretty technical but I have found teaching with a translator to be pretty easy as you get several minutes to prepare each slide as he is talking.

Today was our first day off from the gym since last Friday. It came at a pretty good time. My shoulder was a little sore at times today.

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